Not my usual taste 僕の基本的な聴くスタイルと違った曲

I came across this tune through the God-like app, Spotify. It always delivers new bands to me that I wouldn’t have found for myself. This song was released in 2020 for the anime “Keep your hands off Eizouken!”. I haven’t seen it yet, but it seems to be about a group of High Schoolers that have decided to make an anime via their club “Eizouken”. I can’t say I love watching anime, I get tired of the style very fast, but I might give this one a go.


Chelmico formed in 2014 in a McDonalds in Tokyo. Hardly a beautiful setting to meet but nevertheless I’m glad they met! They are a rap duo that initially hit it off due to their love of “Rip Slyme”. One of the two women took a break from the band earlier this year due to pregnancy and marriage, but it seems they’re performing in Tokyo in November, so I guess the break is over.

Chelmico」というグループは2014年にマックで結成された。綺麗な場所じゃないけどそれにもかかわらず二人が出会ったのを良かったと思う。ラップデュオの二人は「Rip Slyme」が好きで最初から意気投合した。一人のメンバーは結婚して妊娠してからバンドから一時的抜けたけど11月に東京でライブをするつもりだそうで、活動を再開するみたいだ。

As for the song itself, I translated the lyrics and I have to say it seems like a load of nonsense. It’s probably more based on sounding cool rather than carrying real meaning. Or maybe I need to watch the anime to understand it properly. I enjoy their flow and the guitar backing (which reminds me of "Ain't no rest for the wicked" by "Cage the Elephant"). I’m afraid I’m not hugely into rap to give you a full analysis of their rap style, but it seems to be a stage above other cringy Japanese rappers I’ve heard in the past.

曲について言えば、歌詞を訳しても意味がないと思う。多分意味がいいわけではなく言葉のひびきだけがいいかなと思う。そうはいっても、アニメを見るこそ歌詞の意味が分かるかもしれない。歌い方の流れとか、「Cage the elephant」の「Ain't no rest for the wicked」を思い出せたギターバッキングを楽しんでいる。残念ながらラップの大ファンじゃないので詳しく分析ができないけど、普通の日本人のラッパーを超えていると思う。

Life is about trying new things so I’m glad I’ve given this group a go! If you want to see the translated lyrics please see below.




Easy Breezy…



はい、始まった 絡まった


どっかに いっちゃった


止まらね~筆 ここでは誰もが王様なのね






外野はお黙り キミ無責任




うっさい(annoying)なあ ジャマしないでね

イッパツ(一発) ハデ(flashy)にやってみようや

脳みそ イマジネーション

見たもん 聞いたもん

それ全部 血になる

飛べる 飛べ! なめさせとけ



頭ん中 もう完成形見えた

頭ん中 もう自由自在

心の網目 細かくして




Easy Breezy…



一張羅 ( いっちょうら ― one’s only good suit or kimono)パリッと着込んで



なるようにするのさ Easy Breezy



やったりゃいいじゃん どんなもんだ!


なるようにするのさ Easy Breezy…



見切り発車で 進んじまったね

街の灯りが 後ろに消えてく孤独(こどく)

手ぶらでも なるようにするのさ笑

あら もうこんな時間?





I say hi you say hi


あっちゅーま 完成する なんて意外

窓開けな (ちゅんちゅん) 鳥、鳴いてら









こいつらいれば ヨユーだわ


ばっちいわ ちな、来たら追っ払うわ

モーマンタイ 無問題





Easy Breezy…



一張羅 パリッと着込んで



なるようにするのさ Easy Breezy



やったりゃいいじゃん どんなもんだ!


なるようにするのさ Easy Breezy…


Easy Breezy…


Okay, It started, It started,

The one’s made fun of us,

You can’t see them now can you,

I wasn’t asked,

But I can’t stop my pen,

Because everyone here is a King.


I don’t feel like doing this forever,

Is there something wrong with that kind of personality?

The things I love, I love,

Be quiet in the outfield your irresponsible lot,

On this Earth, zero gravity


Fuck off, Don’t get in my way,

I’ll show you something wild,

Grey matter, Imagination,

Things I’ve seen, things I’ve heard,

They’re all in my blood,

Fly, fly! Lick it.



In my head, I can already see the completed form,

In my head, I can already see the free existence,

Don’t let it slip through the mesh of your heart.

The strongest world has come.


Easy Breezy…




Put on your best suit, in combat mode,

It’ll cause a fuss if I can do it,

We make our futures, Easy Breezy,

If I decided to remember,

If you’re ready for it, you should do it

What kind of thing is it?

Even if it gets us down,

Lets do it,

We make our futures, Easy Breezy,



The train left before anyone was on (expression)

In my loneliness the streetlights disappeared behind

Even if empty handed, we make our own future

Is it already time


I’m so hungry

I wanna eat ramen

I say hi, you say hi

Wait just a little

It’s ready before I know it, woah

The windows are open, bird sounds


Come here,

You can’t see it all from that angle,

Come here,

Get a good look at yourself,

What kind of picture have you drawn?

How’s the colour?

If it’s these guys, they’ll be able to do it,

Those guys with the yellow eyes,

If they come we’ll chase them away,

No problem, no problem,

They don’t even know,

We have no plan to stop.


Easy Breezy…


Put on your best suit, in combat mode,

It’ll cause a fuss if I can do it,

We make our futures, Easy Breezy,

If you’re ready for it, you should do it

What kind of thing is it?

Do it!

It’ll be good if you do it, whatever it is,

Don’t put yourself through so much trouble

We make our own future… Easy Breezy


Once again thanks to Kenji Komatsu for his help with the Japanese edit. Things I learned this time included:

  • "God-like app" doesn't required 「のような」, it can just be metaphoric.
  • Instead of 「早く飽きる」, it should be 「すぐ飽きる」.
  • I said 「そのアニメを見てみるかもしれない」but he told me that this sounds like somebody else will maybe try to watch the anime. For a personal use it should be 「見てみたい」.
  • For the career break one of the members took from the band, it's better to use 「一時的にぬけ」than 「休憩」.
  • Finishing a sentence with just 「みたい」sounds feminine so adding 「みたいだ」is better.
  • To say "It's just the sound of the words" you would say 「言葉のひびき」in Japanese.